✓ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
✓ Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
is to have a life that's worth
living. "
Angeliki Bravou Psychologist MSc
Angeliki Bravou is a Psychologist – Psychotherapist with a license to practice the psychologist profession (prob. no. 5267/2010-District of Athens). In addition, she is a regular member of the British Psychological Society (AM: 243211), the Association of Greek Psychologists – (AM: 2365) and the Hellenic Society for Behavioral Research.
Years of experience
Support and Assistance
Helping people to improve their mental health and the development of scientific knowledge have always been elements of my daily search and self-improvement as a psychologist.
Angeliki Bravou Psychologist MSc
Angeliki Bravou is a Psychologist – Psychotherapist with a license to practice the psychologist profession (prob. no. 5267/2010-District of Athens). In addition, she is a regular member of the British Psychological Society (AM: 243211), the Association of Greek Psychologists – (AM: 2365) and the Hellenic Society for Behavioral Research.
Facing your difficulties will bring you closer to achieving a life based on what your heart desires.
Our services
Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders are not a problem with eating, it is not stubbornness and also it is not a conscious choice. They are a mental illness.
Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder is a particularly painful, complicated and difficult condition for the person who has it and for those close to them.
Mental Health Problems
Mental health is a necessary component, for a person’s quality of life.. The care of mental health problems comes into focus for the improvement of human life.
Frequently asked questions
What is psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is the treatment of psychological issues and mental disorders carried out mainly through discussion and communication between the therapist and the patient, rather than through the use of pharmaceuticals or other medical and biological methods. There are different types of psychotherapy: individual, group, couple and family. Psychotherapy is a systematic approach to understanding mental health problems and a method of dealing with psychological problems and difficulties. It is based on clinically proven theories, good clinical practice with the application of specific techniques and interventions to address the causes of psychological problems, and is supported by empirical data. According to the British Psychological Society, psychotherapy is considered an additional qualification for someone already working as a psychologist or psychiatrist. To specialize in psychotherapy, training in a specific psychotherapy model is necessary. There are different approaches to psychotherapy for a psychiatrist and a psychologist (e.g. psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioral, systemic, etc.).
What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?
Many people confuse and equate the role of a psychologist with that of a psychiatrist, since both are mental health professionals. However,there are significant differences. A psychiatrist is a doctor, that practices the medical specialty of Psychiatry and can prescribe medication to relieve discomfort and treat mental health disorders, whenever it is required. Psychiatry is a specialized category of medicine that includes the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and research of mental disorders. Psychiatry differs from psychology in that it approaches emotional and behavioral problems using a medical model. A psychologist is not a doctor and cannot prescribe psychotropic medication. However, in many cases the two specialties can work together and help to deal with psychological difficulties.
Is there a possibility that I might need medication?
There is a possibility that, after the evaluation and in the context of the therapeutic planning, the therapist could also propose collaboration with a psychiatrist for the administration of medication. The answer to the question: “Is there a possibility that I might need medication?” is not simple. Prescribed medication is necessary in specific disorders and is useful in cases where the person is in a period of exacerbation of a certain problem. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is combined with pharmacotherapy in specific cases for better therapeutic results and until there is a remission of the unpleasant symptoms. Medication is not helpful in personal difficulties that are not due to the existence of a mental disorder and in functioning problems that exist in the personality level.
Will treatment help me?
There is a possibility that, after the evaluation and in the context of the therapeutic planning, the therapist will also propose collaboration with a psychiatrist for the administration of medication. The answer to the question: “It may be normal to have some misgivings about whether to start treatment because there are doubts about the prospect of improvement and fears about the process and the impending change. That’s why some clients go into the process of postponing (“It’s not the right time”) or avoiding altogether. The truth is that you cannot be sure in advance whether the treatment will help you. There is no such thing as a “right time”, and any delay can exacerbate any difficulty. However, it is worth giving yourself the opportunity to try and do something that can bring about a significant change in your life, as this is a highly effective treatment that has helped many people. Finally, if you have decided that that the desired changes are not there, you can stop.
Can I stop before the treatment is completed?
Some people stop treatment without completing it. This can be due to several reasons. For example, some patients stop treatment when initial goals have been met and they feel better, or conversely, when they believe there is no improvement and they are not doing well enough. Improvement is gradual and comes with time and effort. Changes occur upon completion of the treatment. When there are similar concerns and thoughts it would be beneficial and helpful to discuss them in therapy.
What happens when there is a lack of improvement?
There is also the possibility that a long period of time may pass without progress (no change in your thoughts and mood). In this case it will be necessary to: investigate the possible problems that may have arisen within the therapeutic relationship, deal with the behaviors that hinder the therapeutic process, review the interpretation and the plan for each case, and choose different techniques and interventions that best meet your specifics.
Make an appointment to start a session.
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Konstantina P. Google
She helped me a lot and luckily I overcame the problems I was facing.
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Giorgos K. Google
I was dealing with a serious binge eating problem. I saw improvement relatively quickly after I started the sessions.
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Eleni K. Google
I highly recommend her, she helped me a lot and I finally got my life back on track.
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Angeliki Bravou
Treatment is one step closer to you at the push of a button.
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